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Software Basics

netKar PRO is based on 3 main executable files:


netKar PRO.exe (the Interface)

This is the user interface part of the simulation, designed to organize your sessions, setup your car, setup your controllers, adapt netKar PRO to your PC hardware and so on. The Interface is based on standard Windows controls to make it quick to launch and not too heavy for the memory to hold during the simulator runs. Everytime you use netKar you are expected to start this program.


nks.exe (the Simulation)

Located in the folder "nkp", this is the actual simulator. The interface is responsable to launch the simulator feeding the correct parameters for its initialization.


nkServer.exe (Dedicated Server)

This is the part of netKar PRO dedicated to host races. netKar PRO's server is designed to be small and quick so to run on slower machines as well.