- DX9 graphics engine
- multiplayer engine
- Advanced tyre math model
- Advanced aereodyinamic math model
- Support for professional data analisys through AIM-SportLine
- Fully realistic onboard AIM display
- Fully
clickable 3D cockpits with HUD support
- Support for 3D view control devices (TrackIR)
- Ultra realistic setup and time management during races
- Advanced tyre wear and management options
- 5 cars modeled after real similar counterparts' telemetry data
and engineering consultants
- 5 tracks with 23 total variation
Interactive cockpit
Pro allows user to immerse himself in the core of the simulation.
The cockpits are conceived and modeled with high details and,
for the first time in a racing simulation, the dashboard instruments
are interactive: buttons and switches are "active", so that is
possible to activate them by mouse, keyboard or game controller,
like the most professional flight simulations.
Dynamic visuals
real time 3D view control in netKar PRO just by moving your head.
Easily set how many degrees you want to turn your view to the left
or right (and the speed of this
movement) using buttons on the game controller, or directly use
Track IR technology: The only true 6 DOF head tracking system of
its kind. TrackIR
takes your nKPro experience to astonishing new levels of realism
and immersion.
Pro features dynamic tyre surfaces which change not only in behaviour
but also in visual appearance as more and more track miles are added
to their carcasses, when dirt build up occurs on the tyre and from
punctures and tyre damage from contact.With
the tyre's visible appearance changing to reflect these changes,
not only will the driver feel the differences but also will be able
to see it, giving a whole new dimension to tyre management in simulated
PRO 2005 (c) Kunos Simulazioni. All rights reserved. All other trademarks
are propriety of their respective owners.
Kunos Simulazioni, p.iva 01102370325 |